Brain waves

Brain waves
Which One Are You Using the Most?

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I started thing about Theta Waves. What's going on there? After many Google searches, research papers, studies on rats, and getting caught up in pretty pictures from Sci-Fi movies yet to come, I finally stumbled upon a YouTube video that showed me rather than told me. I did as I had been instructed in the previous searches. I did nothing. I watched. I listen. Occasionally conscience that I'd been sucked in - or had zoned out to the video. Occasionally conscience that I'd been sucked out trying to use my Beta brainwaves to explain these morphing shapes in front of me. Until, without knowing I had succumbed, my muscles let go, my breath steadied, the twilight phase had arrived!

Check it out yourself:


  1. I could feel a change in stimulus as the colors and speed of movement changed very cool stuff

  2. I had intentionally stayed away from this blog because I was too attached to my hopes of a conversation starting here. So now I feel rewarded with this comment above. Thank you tmb!

    The change in stimulus would be a great goal for every day life. If we change the stimuli to the brain we can retrain the brain to tend towards different brainwaves. This would be like if you're trying to stop using alcohol, you would want to hand out with non-alcohol users for a while in order to retrain how we act. If you're hanging out with angry people, you're more likely to be angry. If you're hanging out with happy & healthy people you are more likely to be both happy and healthy. So, if we watch this Theta Wave Stimulation video every day for a month I would imagine that we would retrain our brain to be able to go into a theta state more easily. I've just now decided that I will do just that. My test behavior will be sleep. I have had a sleep disorder since 2002, which mostly resolved itself and then reared its ugly head again after a car accident last year. Since the Theta state is what we experience right before falling into sleep, my theory would be that I will fall asleep more easily after training my brain towards the theta state every day for one month. I'll start today and let you know how it goes! FUN.

  3. Well, 3 days later I have nothing to report. A mystery button or lever was pulled on my computer. It was something I did in an attempt to block a potential virus - which worked! - but then I couldn't undo it. All very weird, but while figuring it all out I could not watch the theta wave video :(

    Now it is loaded up and ready to watch. Today marks the official start date of the Theta Wave/Sleep Project.
