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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kaleidoscopes: What Do You Think?

What comes into your mind when you think of a kaleidoscope?

I think of one of my favorite childhood toys and lazy summer afternoons where I had all the time in the world to gaze up into this beauty maker. I'd say that kaleidoscopes where right up there with the turtles, frogs and the mud! It says calm to me. It says Mystery. Wonder. Easy. Flow. Change. Beauty.


  1. Amazing how something that seems so simple can create such relaxation. Try it!

  2. Hey Amy, I think you meant to post this in the Theta blog :) Tell me what you think of when you hear the word Kaleidoscope....

    Happy Birthday Too!

  3. OK, This is a test post to see if the feed works on facebook, BUT I would love for people to tell me what they think of when they hear the word "Kaliedoscope"
